Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Autosomal DNA tests

I find that the Hawkins yDNA project has absolutely no way to help those of us who have taken the autosomal test at FTDNA (Family Finder) or Ancestry or any of the other companies that offer this test.  I should also mention Gedmatch.  So I am asking those of you who joined the Hawkins yDNA project but don't have a yDNA match to anyone with the Hawkins surname to go to the FTDNA site and Choose projects on one's sign in page.  Then choose manage projects from the pull down menu at the top of the page, and then beside the Hawkins project choice, choose Leave the project.  Then we as a group will try to find a way for the Hawkins DNA blog site (which is where you are right now) to work to help us all find our autosomal matches who have Hawkins connections.

I have some ideas on possibilities on how to do this, but I don't know if they will work until we try them.  I have added a tab at the top of this page that says:  Family Finder Participants.  However, I am happy to add all autosomal kit identifications that anyone wants to send me on any of the sites including Ancestry and Gedmatch.  If you don't mind sharing your contact information publicly, I will put it on the blog.  Then I will try to put links to blog posts on which we can discuss how we believe that we connect to each other.  Please only send me kit information for people who believe that they connect to a Hawkins family.  If you know which family group to which you connect, send me that as well.  If you don't know to which family group your Hawkins line connects, I'll put you in a unmatched group.  Please help me figure out the best way to make this work.  We'll chip away until we get something to work.

Ok I am updating this message a few days later.  A very nice man has left the project because he is not yDNA.  I want to write and thank him.  And I also want to see what I can do to help him with his autosomal matches with Hawkins connections.  What I forgot is that once he leaves the project I can no longer look up his e-mail.  So don't forget to e-mail me if you have any questions etc when you leave the project.

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