I will put Sandi's connection in this spot after I receive permission from her and after I get my head straight about her line.
So first question she asked:
So I rummaged in my data bases and began to answer:I still want to know who these Wm Hawkins are:Wm Hawkins that lived on Cook’s Run 1742-1748 and seems to be listed as in the fork of the Pamunkey (NorthAnna) in 1752?
Ok….let me think about this….If he is on the Pamunkey,/North Anna, he is in Orange or Louisa. I will assume Orange since you are most interested in that county. Could it say the North fork of the Pamunkey? That is the other name for the North Anna….and changes what I think….if he is in the fork, I would think that it would mean literally that place where the N. Anna and S. Anna meet….but if it says the North Fork of the Pamunkey, I think that it might have been anywhere along the North Anna….And that is VERY interesting to me!

This is not the William who was the son of Benjamin and Sarah Willis. That son would not have been old enough yet. I think it unlikely that any of the orphans of John and Elizabeth (Butler?) Hawkins would have had children old enough to have been this man. He could have been the William who was a brother to Benjamin Hawkins who married Sarah Willis…..that is the orphan William who we call the plasterer. What do I know about him? Not a whole lot. Others have told me that his wife’s name was Elizabeth.
Here is what I have in my data base…..remember VERY iffy!
Craig Kilby believes that the Will of William Hawkins of Orange County dated 20 Jan 1776 is that of this man. Wanita also guessed that the will may have belonged to this man. He names son, John, Wife Elizabeth, son, William, and son Benjamin. Uriel Mallory and Wm Strother and Thomas Brown are witnesses.
I am adding this interpretation of the will March 2005:
This is an abstract of the will of William Hawkins of the County of Orange and Parish of Sat. Thomas, being weak in body, dated 20 Jan. 1776.
Unto my son John Hawkins two cows and calves whenever he leaves of overseeing and goes to house keeping.
To my beloved wife Elizabeth Hawkins all the residue of my estate during her natural life and after her decease to be divided as follows:
Unto my son William Hawkins twenty shillings sterling if he should be living at the time of my decease and if dead to descend to my son John Hawkins.
Unto my son Benjamin Hawkins one shilling current money.
Unto my son John Hawkins all the rest of my estate.
My beloved wife Elizabeth Hawkins executrix and my son John Hawkins executor. William Hawkins
Wit: Uriel Mallory, Wm Strother, Thomas Brown
Proved 24 Oct 1776
Ok my notes say that this William was probably the son of John Hawkins and Elizabeth Butler--brother to Benjamin Hawkins (Benj1) who married Sarah Willis.
Wanita says:
Dear Marsha,
I thought that the sons--William, and Benjamin, named in the will are probably the William hawkins noted later with a will of about 1795, and the Benjamin with a will of 1782, and wife, Juda. That is also an assumption, as the dates and l,ocations seem to fit. I know others have made other deductions. Several claim the son, John went to N C?
John is said to have died in 1716 in Richmond county, virginia. It seems that he died young as he his will provides for young children. Placing them with other men to provide that they will learn skills to use for their livlihood. He specifically asks Henry Wood to take William (husband of Sarah Willis Wood Hudson Tuberville) to teach him the trade of plaster. So this William would have been born in either the end of the 1600's or the first decade of the 1700's. Which is a likely time for man dying in 1776. The thing that catches my attention here is the witnesses. I believe that my Benjamin and Thomas Hawkins lived very close to Mallory's Ford....Then certainly we know that the Hawkins/Bourne line was entertwined with the Strother family---Moses married and had children with Susannah Strother--her father was named William Strother and it is very likely her father who is acting as witness here. So it makes sense that this William is indeed the brother of Benj1.
Ok, below is a map that I lifted from: http://virginia.hometownlocator.com/maps/feature-map,ftc,1,fid,1465197,n,cooks%20creek.cfm
The red arrow points to a creek that is now called Cooks Creek (not Run)....but only Cooks Creek/Run in Orange.
Oh, my gosh, Sandi, that is soooooooo close to where my Thomas R. Hawkins' uncle Benjamin lived. “On the thirtieth day of October, in the year 1813, seventeen males and an unknown number of females, met in the home of Brother Hawkins, about three and a half miles south of Orange.
And then when My Thomas R. Hawkins married she second wife, Martha Bibb, she pays a debt to obtain land on the North Anna River at Mallory's Ford:
OK next William:
Ok, let me think some more......Ok, Benjamin and Sarah Willis's sons are old enough to have owned land by this date and the fact that son Moses married Susannah Strother makes them most likely candidates for this William....that is the William who married Jane Bourne is most likely candidate to have land near Wm Strother. However, I do not have an Elisha Hawkins among the Hawkins/Bourne family....that doesn't mean that there isn't one that I don't know.
I have two Elisha Hawkins's in my John and Mary NOTLong data base (remember iffy!). One is Elisha Son of William and Elizabeth Wall (William died c.1799)who married Elizabeth Edwards (daughter of Uriah who made some kind of alcoholic beverage at home instead of attending his daughter's wedding according to Milly Farmer)
Jehu is mentioned in my notes for this Elisha:
On page 114 of Milly Farmer’s book there is a sworn declaration from Rebecca that her husband served in the Revolutionary war with brother Elisha in regiment of Col John Spotswood under Capt Francis Taylor.
I can only say that I do not know anything about this last Wm Hawkins nor do I know anything about Edward Pigg. Anyone else have any ideas?
And then when My Thomas R. Hawkins married she second wife, Martha Bibb, she pays a debt to obtain land on the North Anna River at Mallory's Ford:
it being the same tract or parcel of land sold under a deed of Trust executed by the said Thomas R. Hawkins to John Scott to secure a debt to the late John Heaston and purchased by John Ellis as trustee under the said marriage settlement for the benefit of the said Martha P. Hawkins and conveyed by deed bearing the date the 18th day of March 1847 duly recorded in the Lerk’s Office of Orange County Court by John Scott trustee as aforesaid the said John Ellis for the use and benefit of the said Martha P. Hawkins and paid for out of the funds secured to her, by the said settlement.
It seems to me that this implies that this land has been in the Hawkins family and that Martha is just paying off the debt in order to obtain ownership of the land again. Martha and Thomas Hawkins live on that land for the rest of Martha's life. She pays taxes on it for many years and then sells it to her husband for $1 before she died. Maybe my own Hawkins family is connected to William the plaster instead of Benjamin and Sarah Willis!
There would be another generation in between this William and uncle Benjamin. But it would narrow fathers to: John, Benjamin and William....almost no help at all, huh? Still it is very interesting.
OK next William:
Wm Hawkins that lived on Blackwalnut Run, Mine Run, bound Wm Strother and Thos Morrison. 1772-1782?(land Wm and Elizabeth Hawkins sold to Wm Pannell Son of the above, Elisha Hawkins witnessed)What where their connection to Wm Pannell and Sarah Bailey.? Just chance?
Ok, let me think some more......Ok, Benjamin and Sarah Willis's sons are old enough to have owned land by this date and the fact that son Moses married Susannah Strother makes them most likely candidates for this William....that is the William who married Jane Bourne is most likely candidate to have land near Wm Strother. However, I do not have an Elisha Hawkins among the Hawkins/Bourne family....that doesn't mean that there isn't one that I don't know.
I have two Elisha Hawkins's in my John and Mary NOTLong data base (remember iffy!). One is Elisha Son of William and Elizabeth Wall (William died c.1799)who married Elizabeth Edwards (daughter of Uriah who made some kind of alcoholic beverage at home instead of attending his daughter's wedding according to Milly Farmer)
Jehu is mentioned in my notes for this Elisha:
Elisha moved to Ky and it is thought that Elizabeth did not accompany them. It is not known if she died or just didn’t want to leave Virginia.
Jehu also gave a deposition in Elisha Hawkins application both living in Franklin County, KY. Elisha's statement says:
"but I only know of one person now living that I can prove myservice: Mr Jehu Hawkins. I was once on furlough to my recollection being sick permitted to return home & he went back to the army with me on private business
I remember thinking while I was reading Jehu's deposition that he knew lots of details about the service of Elisha (Elijah).
The other Elisha in my data base is the son of Reuben Hawkins and Rebecca Edwards. Rebecca Edwards is a sister to Elizabeth Edwards who married who married the other Elisha. Could this be right? But both brides seem to be daughters of Uriah Edwards. And this second Elisha may have been named after his father's brother, Elisha.....BUT one Elisha is a different generation from the other while the brides are sisters....something seems inconsistent. Do you have corrections for my ideas?
The last Wm Hawkins is one that is the indentured slave, his master was Edward Pigg.
I can only say that I do not know anything about this last Wm Hawkins nor do I know anything about Edward Pigg. Anyone else have any ideas?
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